
Showing posts from November, 2021

What Are The Surgical Options For Prolapsed Uterus?

 Uterine prolapse may be corrected by a hysterectomy, which involves removing the uterus. This may be done by a cut (incision) in the vaginal canal (vaginal hysterectomy) or through the belly (abdominal hysterectomy) (abdominal hysterectomy). A hysterectomy is a significant operation that removes the uterus, making conception impossible. Repairing a prolapse without a hysterectomy: The uterus is returned to its proper position during this surgery. The pelvic ligaments are reattached to the bottom section of the uterus to keep it in place during uterine suspension. Depending on the method employed, the procedure might be performed via the vaginal or abdominal canals. What are the risks associated with uterine prolapse treatment ? If you don't address your uterine prolapse, it might affect other organs in your pelvis. A prolapsed uterus may cause bowel and bladder problems. It might also have a detrimental affect on your sexual life, giving you discomfort. Is it possible to avo...