Learn About The Various Causes of Uterus Prolapse And Its Treatments

Uterine prolapse is defined in stages, signifying how far it has sloped. Other pelvic organs (such as the bladder or bowel) might also be prolapsed into the vagina. The four groupings of uterine prolapse are:

·         Stage I – the uterus is in the upper half of the vagina

·         Stage II – the uterus has sloped virtually to the opening of the vagina

·         Stage III – the uterus obtrudes out of the vagina

·         Stage IV – the uterus is totally out of the vagina.

Causes of uterine prolapse

The pelvic floor and related supporting connective tissues can be deteriorated or impaired in several ways including:

·         pregnancy, particularly in the case of multiple births (such as twins or triplets), or numerous pregnancies

·         vaginal childbirth, particularly if the baby was huge or delivered rapidly, or if there was an elongated pushing phase

·         obesity

·         strain on the toilet to pass a bowel motion

·         low levels of the sex hormone oestrogen after menopause

·         severe coughing related with disorders like chronic bronchitis or asthma

·         fibroids

·         In rare circumstances, pelvic tumor.

Treatments for uterine prolapse consist of surgical and non-surgical alternatives, the choice of which will depend on general health, the severity of the situation and plans for an imminent pregnancy. Nowadays, heaps of doctors recommend you to undergo uterus prolapse treatment byAyurvedic medicines. Stage I and II uterine prolapse especially can be assisted by pelvic floor muscle exercises, but they have to be done fittingly and practiced long enough to fortify the muscles.


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